Devoted, Qualified, & Motivated

Looking through the lens at Rosemary Baisden, FNLP, CFNC.

I married my best friend straight out of high school. We have two children and one grand baby. I enjoy time with my family, fishing, camping, riding through the mountains, nurishing my body with mindfulness, and going for walks.

For 10 years I battled auto immune problems. I was constantly going to doctor appointments or getting labs. I was taking way more medication than I was comfortable with, but they said I needed it. I was given medication to treat the symptoms that was showing, almost like masking the problems instead of preventing them.

I got very depressed and gained a lot of weight. I was forever going on a diet. I would lose a few pounds then gain a bunch. I was so frustrated. I went over board with one diet and made myself sick. I remember this weight struggle even as a child. Then as a teenager I tried starving myself. I remember times when two bites of food was to much and hurt my belly. Then I remember times of drinking coffee and binge eating sugary junk food.

Finally I found a certain diet and community that helped me. They taught me about properly balancing my plate with the right foods, the importance of water, and so much more. I plugged into that and saw myself changing. Not only did I see that change, but it was showing in my bloodwork as well. It didn’t take long for my doctors to start asking me what I was doing. One doctor had gave me medication for 10 years to treat an autoimmune disease. He not only took me off those medications, but he said he felt I didn’t even need a follow up appointment.

I had no idea that the changes I made was going to improve and enrich the quality of life I have like it did. It set me on a mission. I knew I had stumbled onto something big and I had to learn all I cauld learn. I knew there was many other people suffuring just like I had. I understand now that I was literally eating myself to death! So I went to school and became a Certified Functinal Nutritin Counselor. But that wasn’t enough, I yearned for more. So I went back to school again and became a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practioner. Now my goal is to help others see and understand this thing that has wowed me, by wowing them!