Functional Nutrition Empowerment

Advocately changing lives through nutritional education and counseling, while applying a systems thinking approach

Located in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia

Contact Us


Breeden, WV 25666

Rosemary Baisden, FNLP, CFNC

Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practioner

Certified Functional Nutritional Counselor

An individualized approach using the ART of the practice


I am looking at my client as an indivual. Making an ASSESSMENT based on that client, while using a fullbody systems lens. Always keeping in mind we are all unique and all things matter.


Using a tool, I worked very hard learning to master, THE MATRIX, I will better understand and have a deeper look at that individual. Using the Matrix I can make recommendations to help my clients get on the path to a more enriched life. We must work on the terran and clearing the muddy waters. We work together on this, while I am teaching them to take the driver seat themselves.


Making recommendations isn’t the end. I then track those changes and the effects rather positive or negative on that individual. Sometimes we may have to back it up and try something else. That is part of making it individualized. What works for one may not work for another, because we are all unique and all things matter!

“All great change in America begins at the dinner table”


Get in Touch

Looking to help those with autoimmune disease, because of what I personally dealt with and have overcome! So excited to help others lose weight and find a new lifestyle that will benefit not just them, but those they love as well. If you would like a free consultation to see if we are a fit to work together please let me know.